LG recently launched its new 34-inch 21:9 widescreen monitor. As part of that effort, the company is offering PC enthusiasts the chance to win a display or even build an entire dream machine. Upload a video or still images that describe your current setup and describe the dream machine you want to build, and you may get lucky. If your entry is chosen, LG will hook you up with a design team including Linus of Linus Tech Tips, Lewis from UnboxTherapy, or gaming expert Jahova.
Ten semi-finalists will take home an LG 34UC87C, so let’s talk about that for a moment.
The LG 34UC87C is a 34-inch IPS display with a resolution of 3440×1440 and a 21:9 widescreen monitor, two HDMI ports, and a single DisplayPort. It’s also a 10-bit panel, though that’s typically considered a professional feature (FirePro and Quadro cards can push 10-bit color, but most consumer hardware stops at 8-bit). The curved 21:9 form factor offers many of the advantages of a multi-monitor configuration without the same desk footprint or the software configuration issues that occasionally crop up when using multiple displays. Such issues are rare, but they do happen, and if you’ve ever wanted a gaming solution that offered some of the benefits of multi-screen gaming without the headaches or bezel configuration issues, the LG 34UC87C is a solid choice.
Current reviews of the 34UC87C suggest that has excellent image quality and offers an adjustable stand that its cousin, the 34UC97, lacks. It’s also a touch more practical for the home user, with a pair of USB 3.0 ports instead of two Thunderbolt 2 ports. If you’re interested in either prize, hit the official form here and check out the rules. Remember to include the necessary hashtags and best of luck to all participants.
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